
Vision of the Knights

To be a strong and faith-filled Catholic fraternity committed to serving our church throughout Australia.

About the Knights of the Southern Cross

The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is a national organisation of Catholic laymen who operate with the support of the Australian Bishops. Autonomous Branches of the Order operate in each Australian State. The Order is guided by the Catholic faith and the Christian faith and charity . It strives to serve the wider community and support those in need.

The Knights of the Southern Cross established the not for profit organisation, Southern Cross Care to look after the older members of the community and their needs.

In 2021, it was the 100 year anniversary of the Knights of the Southern Cross in Queensland which was marked (post Covid) with a celebration and special Mass.

The Objects of the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross

  1. To promote the advancement of Australia.
  2. To foster the Christian way of life throughout the Nation.
  3. To promote the welfare of its members and their families.
  4. To encourage spiritual, social and intellectual activities amongst its members.
  5. To conduct and support educational, charitable, religious and social welfare work.

Make a difference in your community

Southern Cross Care Qld and the Knights of the Southern Cross Qld are looking for volunteers for the Companionship Project.

Volunteering for the Companionship Project is a rewarding way to contribute to your community and to enhance the lives of our elderly.
Click here to download the Companionship Project brochure.

If you have a few hours to spare and share our mission of serving those who need us most in our aged communities, we’d love to hear from you.

To register your expression of interest or to find out more contact:
David Jefferies (State Executive Officer) on:
(07) 3340 3283
m: 0411 744 692

The Knight's Prayer

O God, bless all fellow Members of the Knights of the Southern Cross and their families.

Bless all our activities and inspire us at all times to work for Your greater glory and the salvation of all.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Please support the Vision of the Knights of the Southern Cross

Sponsor us today to help us continue our work of serving the community. To find out more, please contact us using the form below.