
Take time for mental health!

11 October 2021

During Queensland Mental Health Week (9 – 17 October), we’re getting behind the campaign that reminds us of the importance of self-care, now more than ever.

The annual awareness raising week is funded by the Queensland Mental Health Commission and linked to the National Mental Health Week and World Mental Health Day, both held in October every year.

“When one in five Australians experiences a mental health issue, and with the added pressure of the global pandemic, there’s never been a better time to take time for mental health,” Southern Cross Care Queensland CEO, Jason Eldering said.

The theme, Take time for mental health urges us to pay conscious attention to our mental wellbeing, and nurture it, in the same way we tend to our physical wellbeing.

All Southern Cross Care Queensland staff are being supported with free access to subscribe to a range of useful Mental Health apps during the month, and educated about the signs of mental duress and how to overcome them.

9 signs of mental stress:

  1. Feeling anxious or worried
  2. Feeling depressed or unhappy
  3. Emotional outbursts
  4. Sleep problems
  5. Weight or appetite changes
  6. Quiet or withdrawn
  7. Substance abuse
  8. Feeling guilty or worthless
  9. Changes in behaviour or feelings

5 tips for self-care:

  1. Get physically healthy – exercise regularly even if it’s just a walk each day in the fresh air, and eat a balanced, nutritious diet
  2. Keep learning – new challenges can make us more confident and can be fun!
  3. Show kindness – practising small acts of kindness, for example, volunteering or just being a caring friend to others is so powerful. It lifts us out of ourselves and is immensely satisfying.
  4. Connect – We are social creatures and we need interaction with others. During COVID, if that’s difficult, use technology like Zoom or Face-time to maintain your connections with loved ones.
  5. Embrace nature – Connect with the great outdoors, cuddle a puppy and do what you can to take care of our beautiful planet. It will embrace you in return

A range of helpful resources on how to take care of mental wellbeing are available on the Queensland government website.