
Thanks for Caring Alison!

11 August 2021

As we celebrate Aged Care Employee Day on 7 August, a shout-out to the many hard-working people who care for our most vulnerable and precious elders, 24 /7!

At SCCQ not only are we celebrating our team of more than 1,000 dedicated aged care professionals, but also more than 100 amazing volunteers who devote their time, love and energy to making every person matter in our residential homes and retirement villages.

Our wonderful volunteers include people like Alison, who is self-described as ’63 going on 40’ – and has been volunteering at Southern Cross Care Murgon (Castra) for four years.

“I have been able to use a lot of my life-skills in helping out where ever I can. Many years ago, I was a Clothing Machinist, so now I help in the laundry with repairs to curtains etc, and also with some mending of residents’ clothing,” Alison revealed.

Alison also has two years’ experience as a nurse’s aid in an aged care facility in New Zealand.

“This has come in very handy with helping Personal Carers with assisting residents at meal times and understanding the health and physical problems our residents deal with.

“I really enjoy my volunteering role assisting the Lifestyle Officers in activities such as pamper mornings, seated light exercises, calling bingo and other games.

“Once a month I assist when the Podiatrist is visiting, collecting residents for their appointments. This day provides me with opportunity to have some quality one-on-one time and chats with the residents. I also assist when we take residents on outings and enjoy the monthly outing to the local coffee shop where we indulge in ice-cream and pancakes and lots of laughter and chatting!” Alison said.

Pictured – Volunteer Alison assisting resident Jean Richards with indoor bowls, and behind, residents Del Beer, Owen and Beryl Stocks.

It’s the joy that is reflected back that Alison loves the most about working as a volunteer in Aged Care.

“If I can put a smile on someone’s face every day, then it is a good day. Whether it be from telling a joke, reading with someone who has poor eyesight, gentle hand massages or just being with them for a chat. I love it!” she said.

When people pass away as inevitably happens, although it can be difficult, Alison again manages to see the bright side.

“I often am in awe at the strength and resilience of the human spirit to mend and repair.  Anyone out there thinking of volunteering, I would say give it a go, it’s a lot of fun. I tell people I don’t work there, I go have coffee and visit my friends!”

Lifestyle Officer at SCC Murgon, Janet Irvine, said, “From my point of view, volunteers are such an important part of the running of daily activities for the residents. Their help is so vital and valued! We at Castra are so lucky to have wonderful volunteers and Alison is one of the best. I often tell her we need to clone her!

If you would like to volunteer with us and help brighten the day of our residents, fill out our volunteer’s contact form here.